sharing the story of
granddad jack

The stories that shape our spirits
Everything we do is guided by his memory & our spirits are named & inspired by moments in his life.
David Goulding, know as ‘Granddad Jack’ was born on the 11th June 1919 in a small town on the South Island of New Zealand called Timaru. He never got the chance to meet his father who died at the age of 34 before he was born.
Granddad Jack remembered an elderly gentleman visiting the family home and giving him a shilling as a young lad. He asked, “Can you run to the shop and buy two packets of cigarettes and a packet of matches for me? For your trouble, you can keep the change.” Granddad Jack knew he could run through the paddocks a lot quicker than he could ride his bike around the road, and after buying the items, he had a penny in change. He brought a cinnamon bar for a halfpenny and kept the other halfpenny for another day. This moment was the first time in his life that he had made money.

a hard arse drink
65 miles
At fourteen, Granddad Jack and his mate set out on an epic 65-mile journey on their bikes, looking for work at a sheep station. They only carried a canteen comprising a billy (made from a small-sized syrup tin), two tobacco tins for drinking tea, some milk, their lunch, and the first batch of his homemade whiskey.
They arrived there at 3 o’clock, showing very little fatigue. This journey was considered a very creditable performance considering the uphill grade of the trip, and the story made the local paper.
Our 65 Miles Navy Strength Gin is a tribute to Granddad Jack's dedication, integrity and all-around hard-arse nature. This navy-strength, full flavour, spiced gin represents all of his adventures and the tough roads he travelled throughout his early years.

Australian single-barrel
bailiff whiskey
One day there was a knock on the door. Granddad Jack answered only to find a Bailiff standing there telling him nothing had been paid on the farm in years!
It’s hard to picture a then 14-year-old negotiating for more time, but he did just that. He must’ve been a very smooth talker even at that age because, within half an hour, he walked the Bailiff to the gate and promised to make payment in full. The Bailiff said, “I’ll take your word for it, and if you fulfil your promise, you won’t see me again”.
Over the next few months, Granddad Jack worked hard at the sheep station biking the 65 miles there and back every week and managed to pay the debt off in full - not a bad effort for a young lad when in the 1930s, when the best you could expect to earn was around a pound a week! This integrity, hard work, and a never-give-up attitude has been instilled throughout the family, and what continue to drive the Granddad Jack’s brand.

a just-juniper gin
two pencils
During the war years, Granddad Jack obtained his trotting licence. He purchased a racehorse named ‘'Sack Cloth,’ but it never did much good. Granddad Jack loved the races and, as a lad, would buy big pencils, cut them in two, sharpen each one and then sell them at the Timaru racecourse for a penny - more than doubling his money! Perhaps this was how he could buy his racehorse in the first place!
Our Two Pencils Gin represents just that—a perfectly balanced, juniper-only dry gin.

a cheeky coffee
Granddad Jack was never one to miss an opportunity, and one day he spotted an empty barbershop in a neighbouring town. Self-taught, this became the start of a very long and respected career as a barber. He successfully operated that barbershop for 48 years, retiring at 70. He was still charging $4 per cut! He may have been a hard arse, but he was fair.
This is the story behind our Barbershop Coffee Liqueur. Granddad Jack loved starting the day with a little extra 'oomph' in his coffee, and what better way to pay homage to the man than to create a smooth and velvety coffee liqueur?

the gateway gin
He loved sitting with friends and family in his backyard by the greenhouse, sipping on a good whiskey (usually homemade) or gin, and chatting all afternoon amid his beloved gardens.
When a male family member turned fifteen, the Greenhouse was where they would be introduced to a sensible drink. They’d be invited to join Granddad Jack for their very first whiskey. Luke was the last family member to participate in this tradition before his passing.
This is what inspired us to create the recipe for our Greenhouse Gin, at 37% ABV it is a smooth, clean, botanical gin that you can make friends with.

Pour yourself a drink and
raise a glass
Granddad Jack passed away at the ripe old age of 93 and, up until then, had enjoyed a whiskey neat every day. We’re sure he still does up there.
He left a monumental mark on the lives of many. A card handed to his family at the funeral read, “Like the Christchurch Cathedral, an icon has gone - a gentleman.”
His memory guides everything we do, and our spirits are named and inspired by his life and stories. Granddad Jack’s spirit indeed lives on through the generations, and we’re excited to bring you along for the journey.
As you sit in one of our distilleries and look around, or enjoy our handcrafted spirits in the comfort of your own home, raise a glass to Granddad Jack and immerse yourself in the stories and life of the legend that made all of this possible.
David Goulding, this one's for you.